My throttle cable has a very squishy feeling when pressing it lightly. Not a problem for most cars, but its very annoying on my car especially on uphill jams. Because my throttle cable is squishy, if i press down on it a lil’ bit, no response from the engine. Press a little more, the engine revs till about 3k. Either I engage clutch at 3k rpm or keep stalling. Which is very embarrassing. =/
I took pics only after i modified it, I put some ABS glue in the place highlighted in blue(can get a can at any hardware shop for around 6 ringgit, used to glue ABS pipes together, when it hardens it turns into ABS plastic.
Originally the place was hollow, so the rubber had some space to squish together. Like i said, the problem only occurred in my car, not a very common problem, this.
The red part is the firewall, green is the accelerator pedal. No screws required to remove the cable, everythign is held together by clippy clips.
This is where the cable connects from inside the engine bay,