My projector lights beam is nonsense. With the beam adjusted like that, I cannot see the road at night at all, because only 5 meters in front of me are illuminated.
Look. nonsense. I decided to fix this annoying problem.
Firstly, remove the eyes. There are a few sites teaching you how to remove the eyes, so I will not go through it.
Once you have the eyes removed, use any normal hairdryer to heat up the glue sealing the lamp together. This could take about 10 mins to open up each side. The projector light (crystal ball thingy) is on the left, remove the screws that are holding it to the casing.
Then, remove the 3 screws on the projector light itself to separate the different “layers”.
AHHHHH! This is the culprit. Donno which donkey fellow went designed the light to look like this. Find a way to cut it straight. I used a sheet metal cutter for this.
Testing the modified beam out….
Kaotim SIAP!!! =D