The interior is ghetto. The seats are filthy. Unfortunately, I forgot to take any pictures of the seats in the car.
This is the only picture I managed to snap of the seats, when viewing the car. I’m starting with the rear seats because the car still needs to be driven around for some tinting and to get other stuff done. So, here are the leather seats, I’ve already cleaned a part of it, and you can see what a big difference it makes. This ain’t a million dollar ride, so some cheap cleaner can do. I used STP Tuff Stuff, a large can is about RM20 at most car accs shops.
Imagine, 30 years of dirt, sweat, farts, other unholy substances… The seats have been baptized and are born again. Not forgetting all the creases, cleaned with more Tuff Stuff and a toothbrush, and a vacuum machine.
Overall, I used 1 whole can for the rear seats. After that I massaged them with some leather conditioner that was kinda oily. The whole thing took about 2-3 hours to clean.
I will update with the finished pics once I have gotten the car tinted for the leather’s sake. Seats are currently sitting in a room in the house.